When you've got water issues on your lawn or issues with your basement leaking water, there could be any number of causes. The best solution will always be to improve drainage on your property. This allows excess water from up slope to drain away, preventing it from becoming a problem for your lawn or structure. One of the most popular options is a French drain, a simple structure built into your lawn to help move water away from your home or areas of concern. Here's how to install one.
When you're dealing with a range of drain or sewer pipe materials, sometimes having the right adapter on hand to connect them can be a tricky proposition. Have too many of different types, and you're tying up your budget in fittings that may never be needed. Have too few, and you have to send someone to the store every time you need to make a repair. Fortunately, there's an easy solution that adapts itself well to a wide range of pipe materials - flexible couplings and adapters. Here's more information about these easy-to-use options.
Everyone has heard stories about major water leaks or other issues that require you to turn off your home's main water supply, but do you actually know how to do it? If you don't, it's important that you add this vital skill to your toolkit of options available when you have a plumbing emergency. Here's a quick look at how you need to find your home's water shutoff valve and how to operate it.
As part of a family of companies that are dedicated to the water utility industry, Team QWP delivers high-quality cast iron and ductile iron solutions for your waterworks, drain and sewer needs. Among the products we offer is the Pamrex Ductile Iron Frame and Manhole Cover. This series gives you yet another solution to exceed your expectations. We feel that it goes above and beyond to provide you with quality products for your water utility's needs. Here's a quick glance of the benefits you'll realize when adding these quality fittings to your next project..
It's pretty common to expect that when you're working in the water utility industry, you're going to get some water and revenue loss due to leaky transmission mains and meter problems. But what if downsizing your water utility's meters across the network could ensure you'd regain a lot of those lost profits by more accurately recording water usage? In this post, we'll talk about several real-world examples where downsizing a meter helped the water utility to greatly reduce unrecorded water usage and increase profits by a significant margin.
*Updated May 22, 2020 - Previous Title: Are You Using SDR35 PVC Sewer Pipe for Your Wastewater Applications?
Wastewater lines can be a real headache. If they're not somewhat flexible at the joints, they can have issues when cold weather and frost heaves cause the pipes to displace. If that happens, you can end up with some serious problems with sewer leakage and potential contamination of ground and surface water supplies. Fortunately, there's a better option than standard PVC; SDR35 PVC sewer pipe. Here's a bit more on this flexible, solid-sealing option and how it can benefit your water utility in the field.
When it comes to having the right options, tools and features for your water utility, there is a world of options available for your use. However, it can be difficult to decide between different options when you don't have the opportunity to see them in action in real life. Fortunately, Team EJP has recognized this challenge and created a library of video tutorials and demonstrations to help you decide which features and products are right for your water utility's challenges. Here's a quick look at four of the most popular videos we have in our library to help you decide.
When you're working in the water utility industry, sometimes you run into a specific situation where only a particular type or style of pipe will get the job done. There are several effective ways to build your piping system in plant and station projects. Choices are made by the ease of installation and repair. Design conditions require rigidity or flexibility. The joint you choose is an important factor in the system's performance as a whole. Here's a quick overview of several of the fabricated pipe options QWP has available to help you get the job done.
When you need to get a job done quickly, it's important to have the right materials on hand to be able to do so. What if you could use a single coupling for a wide range of materials that still delivers solid results and years of reliable performance? If you want this level of economy and efficiency for your water utility, it's time to become familiar with Romac Industries Alpha Restraint Couplings. Here are some details to help get you started on learning about these high-quality restraint couplings.
Do you know the value of clean water and a solid water distribution infrastructure? When I first moved onto our farm, I gained a strong grasp of the value of water. The year-round springs had dried up in the summer of 2004 and everything had to be hauled in. When the car gave up the ghost, that meant taking a wagon to the nearest store two miles away at the small whistle-stop town that claimed our zip code. Fortunately, most people have a much stronger infrastructure already in place, even if they don't bother to think about it on a daily basis. But what happens when that infrastructure fails?